Lately, everything that has to do with my faith also has to do with community. it's a buzz-word here around campus. Especially among us Res-Life staffers.
I went to a fellowship on Sunday, and we talked about living in Community, and what that biblically looks like.
Tonight, I went to a service and we talked about what it means - how it looks.
To me, community is living life-on-life. Discipleship. You can't have community without d-ship. You can't have d-ship without community. Community is VITAL to our faith. Living where we are together working to see the fingerprints of God among us... is VITAL to who we are as believers in Christ.
However, I think I am absolutely horrible at living in community. As my pastor says, "when you live in Community with one another, you rub against each other (As iron sharpens iron...)... and it hurts, and it's dirty". I wish I knew better how I could live in community.
Anyways. On another note... I applied for my first after-college ... job?.. can I call it that? I will for now. Let's just say that it's something I promised God, my family, and everyone else in my life that I would never do - but here I am. I'm nervous. it's step one - but 2,000 miles is a really, really long way from home. We'll see.
Also, I recently found out that I have an intolerance to gluten. Gluten is in just about everything yummy in the world - so I'm not exactly the happiest camper I found this out. I've eaten edamame (soy beans) for the past 2 days. I need some new thoughts for food. If you also have this intolerance, or love someone who does... I could use some help in my dietary choices. :)
this wasn't one of my better blogs. But, I don't think I really have a whole bunch that I want to talk about. I still wanted to write. maybe the next will be better.