Monday, August 25, 2008

Class hasn't even started.

I was sitting in the book study for the new students "The Idea of a Christian College" with Dr. Kelly today. He was going over a few chapters... meanwhile, I'm sitting back, relaxing, (instead of taking notes like last year).. and he said something that was so profound... well, in my life.
I had changed plans for college. I planned to go to OBU, until my senior year. I decided, that I would go to Oklahoma State. I was talking to my youth pastor one day after church.. and he said, "So, why aren't you going to go to OBU anymore?" My answer was: "I don't want my religion spoon fed to me."
Today while watching the freshman scrummage for notes in Dr.Kellys class, I realized that I finally got to take in what He was saying in his book study. All Truth is Gods - understanding ALL types of truth (even secular truth) connects us with our creator; to ultimately see God in ALL truth.
I took my freshman year for granted. I went to class, studied, had a social life, and made the grades. But, I forgot that when I study ANYTHING, just not new or old testament.. I'm worshiping God. Academics are a part of worship and obedience to God. Because All Truth is Gods. Literature. Math. Science. Truth. It's all Gods.
This was worship today.My God,is true.Creation.. it is crying out to its creator.And ultimately, i'm worshiping.
"The person who knows only his or her bible knows not even that!" - Dr. Kelly

Sunday, August 10, 2008

... He didn't throw the stones...

I should be sleeping. Oh well.
The Lord is so good. Through the whole summer, I prayed that God would lead me to a new church.. where I would be involved and not just another member. My home church is going through a big time right now. We don't have any staff, and all of our programs are beginning to dwindle down.
This summer, God told me that I needed to get in touch with people who have left church. They have graduated, and left. And Then he told me that I would reach so many people my age if we just opened up a ministry for them.
Then today, the guy who is stepping in as Youth Pastor at my church pulled me aside and said, "heather, how would you feel about starting a college ministry"..

God uses people. Ordinary people. For huge tasks. I am so thrilled.

Please be praying for this new ministry. Pray that we draw more people to seek Christ's face, and that God would be the Author of all of this.

Thanks, guys.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I have always loved to know whats going on. Knowing secrets. You know, girl stuff. I cannot even comprehend what God is doing right now. He's acting like I do to my dog - I wave these dog treats in the air... to watch her head turn every which way - she jumps up and tries to grab the treat and i move it above my head so she can't reach. All Lacey knows is that it will be rewarding - and it will be the best DARN treat she's ever had because she worked for it.

Thats what I feel like right now. Im sitting in Gods presence... and he is waving this amazing future above my head - i keep trying to jump up and grab it to see whats inside.. but he waves it over his head so I can't reach.

I don't know what God's plans for my life are. Boy, would I love to know right now. All I know, is that in everything I do, I say, and I think.. I must bring him glory.

This summer, I really opened my eyes to see the deaf community - how often they are ignored. They can't communicate with an ordinary person... they can only talk to those who can understand signlanguage. I have a heart for the deaf. I have this passion to learn sign language. To translate. To love the deaf.

But I don't know where God wants to take me with that passion. OBU doesn't offer Sign Language Interpretation. OSU OKC does.

This would all just be better if I knew Gods plans for me. I guess this is where I trust Him in return, huh?