Thursday, February 3, 2011

They will know us by our love.

A lot of times, I think we think sharing our faith with one another can only mean literally opening a bible. And sometimes, we say, "Love those so they can see the gospel in us". These are essential truths in our faith - and I strongly believe as believers, we must share our faith with those that do not believe.

However, this picture captures at least my faith, and my belief that we are to love one another. These Christians are protecting these egyptian-muslims while they pray.

What a beautiful picture. Not a rush to convert these muslims. Christians aren't running at them with tracts to show their love for them... but they are simply showing them love by allowing them to worship in a safe environment.

We forget in every day life how to love one another. I heard a moving story this week of a Church who sent flowers to imams at muslim temples after the 9/11 attacks on America. That is love. How would Jesus himself show love to these people, is what we should consistently ask ourselves when we face our enemies, a coworker, or a friend.

Be encouraged today to love louder.

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