Friday, February 18, 2011

Inspiration of design!

As I sit through my sixth hour of work with 3 more to go, I have been unashamedly glancing... er.... digging through my favorite blogs. So, here are pictures that are inspiration of what kind of crafts I make, and what kind of person I want to be. Enjoy.

Isn't this kitchen WONDERFUL?! So clean, colorful, and welcoming.
If I had to pick my wedding colors today, this picture would define it.
Okay, so I don't want this to resemble the kind of person I am... but I do think it's a pretty clever idea for a pin cushion!

Okay, these long-stemmed fabric roses are TO DIE for. I think about them everyday... that's probably not healthy. But I LOVE them, and I want them in my wedding, house, office, and car for the rest of my life. I usually HATE roses... but these are toooooo cute!

Oh, Martha. You know how to bring color and love into a girls life. One day, I'd like this cabinet.

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