Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Thankfully, there is only one week after this week left of Summer Staff. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not counting down the days... but, I am very ready to hit the road and go home for a little while.

As i've alluded to in past blogs, the past two summers, I've been productive. I was telling people about being a disciple for the Kingdom of God. I've been telling people what it looks like to be a follower of Christ. I've been telling people WHY they should go and tell the nations about the Lord. Most importantly, I saw lives changed for the sake of Christ.

This summer? Well. I sit at a desk and have stinky boys come up and ask me to let them into their locked room for the small price of $1.

I wish that I would have been more productive with my time in the real world. I could have been out doing all of those things, but instead, I sat at a desk, and listened to 8th grade girls share their secrets over a boy that was in their small group.

Lives could have been saved. Others could have heard about God's heart for the nations. Hearts could have been turned back. A hungry person could have been fed.

I guess if I could re-do this summer (hopefully I don't have to...) , I would do it differently. I would live a life worthy to Him who sent me - here, to Bison Hill for the summer. I blew my first opportunity at being a big girl. I hope I won't blow the next.

This has just been on my mind lately, take it as you will.

1 comment:

Jo_thanC said...

This happens to me more often than it should. I always seem to miss my opportunities to live for Christ. But don't get discouraged by it! It's good you wrote about it cuz it will help you remember this learning moment and hopefully help you avoid it in the future. Always praying for ya!