Sunday, July 4, 2010


I saw a facebook post that bothered me. [yes, a facebook post]

"WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...Please remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul and the other for your freedom....GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!"

Why did that make me frustrated? Well, I guess when it comes down to it... I'm not a huge fan of ... well... maybe I'm not a fan of the misconception of what America is - why people think we're here, and why people think we are some great nation. to sum it up, I guess you could say that I'm just not patriotic.

This quote from a friends mom.. it bothered me because :

1. Often we make an idol out of "people dying for our freedom". Now, before you yell at me about how your great-grandpa died for my freedom during World War II, let me explain. My freedom does not come from our nation winning a series of battles in order that we can be free. Yes, we are free because we are not under another nation - but, I would be free even if another nation was in charge of America, because Christ made me free. Does this make sense? I hope so.

2. "One died for your soul, and another for your freedom" - well, oh my soul. If this is true, my theology is all messed up. If I can say with respect, Christ died for my freedom, and my soul.. and, well... the soldier fought for my physical body. Lets get this straight. Christ died for you, so that you could have freedom from sin!

3. Christ died for more than just us, America. There is a whole world out there. A LOST, a DYING world, who needs Christ.

Once again, I have respect for our country and our troops serving our country. But, we should be hesitant to what we say, and what we make idols of. Please don't be offended by this post. It is my opinion, you know?

Well, I guess now that you've found out that I'm very Liberal, I'll leave you with this quote:

"Legalism says that fruit produces freedom. The Gospel says that freedom produces fruit." - Josh Kouri, Lead Pastor at Frontline.

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