Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Last night, OBU hosted a worship night, featuring Shane and Shane. Not only is one of the Shane's married to my favorite artists, Bethany Dillon, but they are also a favorite of mine. However, I noticed something in particular last night. Let me start by saying I don't think the church is called to be 'charis-maniacs' by any means, but... I don't think all worship was meant to be sung in a mono-tone... 'I don't care' voice. For the record, we ARE singing to the King of the Universe, and the God who created our innermost parts.

I am not only talking of worshiping through song in this mini-section of my blog.... We are called, as believers in the God who created every complex cell on this earth, to worship that same God with our lives. We get so caught up in the world we live in, that we forget to worship God outside of a song or the four walls of a Church. We live live with this, "I don't care that you just gave me another breath.. I'm BUSY, God" kind of attitude, which... isn't fair to someone who loves us. He deserves our worship and praise through every moment of every day.

You wake up? Praise God.
You walk to class? Thank God.
You live in community with others? Give God's joy.

He loves us. He loves you. He loves me. He's bothered when I sin. He's bothered when I don't glorify him.... but he LOVES me. The King of the Heavens, and the Earth... Loves me.

Be reminded today of God's love for you. Live your life today to glorify your maker. Live in JOY with him, that you are ALIVE and REDEEMED from sin.

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