Sunday, June 22, 2008

............... all i want is more than 15 minutes to type a blog and change my laundry out.. before curfew...

This weekend, we've been talking about reaching the nations... and how it's God's heartbeat.

I completley agree with this statement. Without reaching the nations, why would Jesus have really died on this cross? For what purpose? ... Every creature was made to glorify God. In every tongue and every nation.

I think sometimes, we are so anxious to reach... Africa, Asia, Eruope, South America, Canada... we completley skip out on a very dangerous and dying nation: America.

I know, I know, the 10-40 window has the majority of lost people in one section, and those people don't have any access to the gospel.

But, isn't that where we as americans are becoming dangerous?? We have complete access to the gospel. In every language. And we could probably pay someone to print words in a different font to make it more appealing....

So... why do we have the most dead christians here? Why are we living in a world of churches that are dying every day, and churches that are definatley not following the gospel... instead following their own agendas.

I don't write this because I'm bitter, I write because there is a definate need that we overlook every single day as we pray for the nations.

Not once this weekend did we sit back and pray for our government, our states, the lost here....

Next time you begin to think about God's heartbeat... remember America.

1 comment:

Kee said...

here's a funny thing: my mom used to always tell me something along those lines whenever i wanted to go on a mission trip somewhere out of the country. and i'm backing you on this one heather! sometimes we focus on the outer borders so much, we forget what's right in front of us, crying out.
love you girl. and miss you like crazy!