Friday, June 27, 2008

So, I guess there comes a point when we all have to grow up.

I feel so discouraged right now.

I have such a passion for people to know Christ. For them to know Him deeper and deeper each and every day - and thats what I want to spend my life doing.

I am 19 years old. I have not a clue of what I want to do with my life. I'm about to be a sophomore in college, and if I don't decide now, I'm wasting a ton of money.

Do I stick with bible, and have nothing to do with it when I graduate?
Do I do Interdiciplinary, and have 3 minors for one major.. with Bible, Childrens Ministry/Applied Ministry, and Early Childhood Education?
Do I major in Elementary Education, have no electives and pay alot of money to get the same paycheck and education as a state school?
or do I transfer?

I hate feeling like I have to decide. I think it would be great to be an elementary teacher... but I can get that with any 4 year degree.

These are my constant thoughts. just thought i would let you know.


Dayla Rowland said...

You would be an awesome elementary teacher!! And yes you might be spending more and you might get paid the same when you get out but you won't have the experience and the preparation that OBU brings well as this strong support base.

Kee said...

let's just drop everything at the end of this semester and go live in california! haha...jk, jk... seriously though, i'm praying for you that things will be painted clear for you and you'll find peace with however things turn out!