Wednesday, June 18, 2008

home sweet home...

Well, on Monday I woke up with a sore throat. I didn't think much of it, but when I woke up Tuesday morning I was absolutley miserable. I stayed in bed all day long, and then my parents came and picked me up last night. I went to the doctor this morning, and they drew blood, and a strep test. I didn't have strep, but I have a high enough White Blood Cell count to need some anti-biotics and a shot. The PA looked at my ears, nose, and throat, and came to a conclusion that I was sick. Ha! Apparantly everything was swolen, and my mom says my face looks swolen.

I am so tired to do anything... I can only sleep or lay here and watch TV, it even hurts to hold my head up...

Please be praying for me.. I want to get back to the creek ASAP!
Love you all!

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