Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"You are on our side"

Boy, am I a complainer. I’ve noticed this in my life lately (along with sarcasm, which I will save for a different day). I complained and complained, “I am having to do a cabin devotion every night…”, “No one else actually works…”, “I haven’t gotten a break to go get a cup of water in forever…”. Camp does this to you. I was … of course complaining to one of my good friends Michael, and he said, “yeah, but just think of how many students have accepted Christ this summer”. Ouch. I took my eyes off the goal: what I’m here for.

Since I’ve figured this out (thankfully I figured it out about week 5…5 weeks too late, but that’s okay!) My life has been so different. I have been treating people with so much more respect.

Last night. I was just thinking (and kind of praying/complaining) to the Lord, and… I said, “Lord, out off all of these students that have accepted you this summer, I haven’t gotten a chance to invest in any of them, or much less pray with any of them.

So, I go and do my devo at this cabin. I share my testimony, which is my favorite thing to share because it means so much to me… I back it up with scripture in Genesis 22, about having to sacrifice a lot. After I was done, I started walking down the hill (HUGE hill, by the way)… and I hear, “heather!! Wait!”… This girl is running up to me with tears streaming down her face…. She said, “Heather, Thank you so much for talking to us tonight. Your testimony touched my heart”. I assumed that she had so much more than that to say, so she and I sat down. She began pouring out her heart to me, telling me that like I had explained in my own testimony, she feels like she is fake fruit, and she has been faking being a Christian, and got saved for the wrong reasons…. And she looked and me and said, “I’m so scared though.” And I asked her, “Why?”, she replied… “Everyone will judge me! I don’t know how people will react. I’ve told my testimony before, I’ve been baptized before…” and I stopped her in the middle of her sentence.. “its all just stuff. The Lord wants you to obey Him, and that’s all he asks.”… and so she looked at me, began to cry… and said… “Heather, I want to be a Christian.”.

I got to pray with her.. and in a way witness a miracle. Praise God! How great is our God… really! Without my testimony the way that God planned that all out, Micah may not even be a Christian right now.

Praise God for who he is. Savior. Redeemer. Rock. Refuge. I am. Shepherd. Abba Father. My Lord.

1 comment:

Kee said...

heather, that is truly amazing that you got to experience that! i'm shedding tears of joy for you and the girl you got to talk with because of how strongly God is moving down at FC this summer! i can't wait to hear more about it!