Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dear Websters Dictionary,

I must disagree with you. I looked up the word 'church' in your dictionary today, and was shocked to find seventeen definitions for the word. Are you kidding me, Websters? Not only did I believe that possibly there would be two; maybe three definitions, and not one of them would be right.

Can I please tell you what "church" means? Well, you don't have an option. Church - a group of people who identify themselves as a body of Christ and act as such.

Brothers and Sisters... WE are the church. I don't know why we have gotten church mixed up with a building (definition 2). The building we go to? I do not see it as a church. It is a BUILDING for crying out loud. If you were to tell me that building is the church, that makes me a 2 x 4 and i personally don't think Christ designed me that way.

On Sunday morning, I went to worship with fellow believers in Tulsa, OK. At lunch, Deanna, E-Pot, and myself stopped at Ted's before coming back to Shawnee. We ran into people that we worshiped YHWH with that morning. They said to us, "Well, since we are all family, why don't we take our two tables and put them together?"...

Friends, THIS is what fellowship means. Not your stupid wednesday night dinners that I personally am not going to pay for when you won't even sit with anyone other than your "sunday school class".


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