Sunday, February 7, 2010

You're beautiful...

Boy, is life hard or what?

I really have been discouraged lately. It seems as if my friends don't really want to be my friends. They would rather spend time with each other apart from me... and I just don't understand. I knew leaving over January would cause others to be closer to each other. And that just worries me now, because I'm stuck where I used to be with people, and they have already progressed.

I don't mean to have a pity party.. I just am so frustrated with it. I'm ready to feel welcomed again. The enemy will do anything to steal, kill, and destroy. Even if it is good for one set of people. Isn't it crazy how God works like that? And the enemy uses his power to take the goodness of Gods plan, and make it deceiving and hurtful to someone else.

I am thankful I have friends, today. Because I remember just a few years ago that I desperately prayed that I would meet some girls who encourage me. They do.

On the bright side, today I am celebrating about a month and a half of not talking to Mr. Fickle. I have to admit; it has never felt this good. My dad brought him up the other day, and I said, "You know, I don't know, and I don't care. Actually, I do. I care that he is unhappy the rest of his life". Now, before you go all 'love your neighbor, love your enemy' on me, know that I do care about his life. I am just glad he isn't in mine.... anymore.

Lord, thank you for continuing to love me. Thank you for an answered prayer request. Thank you for your blessings in my life. Please help me - please don't let the enemy discourage me. Amen.

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