Friday, May 14, 2010

3-6-5 ... lets do the hand jive!

As of yesterday, there are 365 days until I graduate college. May 13. (today = 364). In honor of this, I made a list of things I want to accomplish in the next year. I will cross them off as they happen.

-write at least 3 new songs
-lose 50 pounds
-memorize 52 verses - one per week
-drink more water (by drinking two glasses of water per secular drink) (secular drink = soda, tea, etc)
-go on a date
-volunteer weekly
-mentor someone
-pray with people
-learn proper etiquette
-befriend at least 5 new people and get to know them well.
-learn how to shoot a gun
-run a 5K
-read more books
-strengthen vocabulary
-dress up 4/7 days per week
-have an accountability partner
-improve guitar and voice skills
-make the deans honor roll
-make handmade items
-encourage people 3 times a day
-write encouragement notes weekly
-have a garden
-learn more chinese phrases
-meet more international students from China

Can I do it? Sure hope so!

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