Monday, September 8, 2008

I don't think many read this, oh well.

Well. I think I found the answer to that question. The question that has been in my mind since the age of four. "What are you going to be when you grow up?". At the age of 8, I would have told you I wanted to be a dentist. At 10, a hair-dresser. 15 a doctor. 17 a cosmotologist. 18 a nurse.... and here I am, 19 years old.. after seeking God....

When I grow up, i'm going to be a teacher.

I am going to complete my undergrad here at OBU with a Degree in Elementary Education (possibly a minor in Children's Ministry, if it will fit)
After graduating, I'm going to get a job being a first or second grade teacher at an Elementary School.
Soon After graduating, I'm going to go to Seminary (I don't know where yet, I can decide that later) and possibly get a Masters of Divinity.
What will I do with that? First of all, Knowledge. I desire so very strongly to know the bible and my creator better - So i can tell more and more people about Him. Hopefully, after I go through seminary, I can be a Girls/Womens minister along side an Elementary Teacher.

Right now, this is just what God has told me to do. Who knows what the rest will hold.
